x exit

This is the consonant x.
x blends 2 sounds — /k/ and /s/ — to make a /ks/ sound

Watch the video then do the practice sheet.

y yes

This is the consonant sound /y/

Soon we’ll also learn that y can be a vowel or a consonant.
Y is usually a consonant, like in ‘yes’, when it’s at the start of a word.

Watch the video then do the practice sheet.

as with /w/, /y/ is a very tricky sound to say in isolation. You have to try not to say “yuh”, because then you would say “y uh e s”. Some people say it sounds more like “ee” (ee e s)? Please send us a message with your thoughts. For now, like with /w/, we start saying “yuh” but drop the “uh” at the last minute. Not a perfect plan, and not perfectly executed in the video, but we welcome your tips!

z zig zag

This is the consonant sound /z/

Watch the video then do the practice sheet.

If you’re American you’ll pronounce the letter z as “zee” instead of “zed”. But no matter how you say the name of the letter , the sound stays the same: “zzzzz”

Of course, /z/ is another loong sound. See how long you can say “zzzzz” before you run out of breath!


you can read

read with me as we blend the sounds together to read words