a free online learn-to-read program
Our videos teach sound-letter correspondences,
so that you can read.
here’s how you do it
Watch the video lessons in order.
(one or two a week, or a unit per week)
Hear the sound, learn the corresponding letter(s),
hear and see the keyword to help you identify and remember the sound correctly.
Practice seeing, saying and writing the letter(s) and their corresponding sound.
Say and write the letter.
Say the keyword to remember the right sound.
After you’ve learned the new sound and
know how to correctly form the shape of the letter,
practice the new sound everyday, anywhere.
Say and write the new sound with your arm in the air,
with a stick in the sand, with the bubbles in the bath, with the peas on your plate — anywhere!
Two types of reading
1. Reading for success: Any time of day, your child can read a letter, a word, a sentence, a book - at their level, not above, using only the sounds they have (and usually best not at bed time when they’re tired - reading’s hard work!)
- promotes success and accomplishment
2. Being read to - a “READ ALOUD”: At bed time (or any time) a parent, sibling, friend, or grandparent can read TO your child - any book that interests them
- inspires a love of reading